Monday, December 15, 2008

We're back~!

Heyloez folks!

I believe we had a great time at camp. Multitudes of new friends, crazy games, awesome-ic worship and powerful, "knock-me-over" encounters with the most high. Our pray is that God's word be planted and rooted into your hearts and your lives. Just as we stay rooted and established in Christ, let His Word be rooted in our hearts.

To help you remember, we will be looking into the possibility of making available the sermon and workshop recordings. In addition we will be compiling photos taken by us together with those from campers such as cassandra and amos and a few more. We may either have a 1 DVD compilation or have it made-to-order, depending on demand. So give a shout out to us if you would like any of the materials from camp.

Continue to tune into this space for the near future as we bring to you post camp material. Hopefully that will help to ease the post camp hangover and maybe excite you for next year's one.=D

Rock on Christian warriors! And remember to live IN Him and FOR Him!!

FACT Camp 2008 Puiblicity IC

Monday, December 8, 2008

How to get there and bus numbers

click on it to see an enlarged version:D

Brief brief!

Dear Campers 
FACT CAMP 2008 “Olive For Him” is just a stone’s throw away!
On 11th December 2008, we will meet in church at 9am at the chapel. Upon arrival, please proceed to the booth to take your attendance and your camp file and sleeping mat will be issued to you (but this doesn’t mean you need not bring your sleeping bag as the sleeping mat is just ... well, a mat, and it won’t be enough to shield you from the cold). The bus bringing us to the campsite will leave at 10am.
To refresh your memory, here is the to bring list once again!
• Bible
• Writing materials
• Running shoes ( Compulsory!)
• Sleeping bag
• 4D3N worth of clothing
• Jeans/track pants
• Dark coloured clothing for Wet games
• Slippers/sandals
• Toiletries & Towel
• Personal medication (if required)
• Water bottle
• And an expectant heart!

Please remember to bring your jackets as it can get quite cold, also, you are required to wear long pants (at least knee length) for all night sessions and workshops.

That’s all and I hope you will truly enjoy the camp!

Assistant Camp Commandant FACT Camp 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sarah's Interview

Hi! This is Sarah's interview. She talks about her camp experiences, what camp is about and also hopes for camp. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Camp Commandant interview

Hi all! As promised, here's an interview of Cher Hao. In this interview he starts off by sharing his past FACT Camp experience, how it is like being commandant and also hopes and expectations for FACT Camp 2008. Enjoy!

Friday, November 28, 2008

A venture into the Heartlands

Hi campers!

If you didn't already know, as part of our outreach program we distributed FACT Camp flyers to the blocks surrounding our church. For those who were not there, let me give you a brief summary.

On sunday afternoon and the following saturday night, a group of us (campers like you and me) made our way around the neighbourhood distributing flyers to the doorstep of eacdh household.

It was an experience that would have been reminiscent of our Love AMK projects many years ago. Back then we did surveys and gave out love gifts of daily necessities to the households. This time round our purpose was a little more concentrated and our goal was to reach out and invite the youths to come for FACT Camp, so they can make friends and hopefully encounter God in the process.

It was scary. Not particularly the giving out of flyers but at the moments when the doors were open and you had faces staring back at you. Sometimes you wonder if you'll encounter those one in a million case where people get violent or start shouting. There were a few instances I felt like it would be okay to just skip a house. But I realised, I did not have the right to decide who will have access to the gospel or not. And also if they reject me, it is Christ they reject, not something personal.

Overall, it was a great experience that was over all too quickly. It was great partly because we were doing God's work. The other part was that we did it together. Regardless of gender, age or cell group. Its unexplainable when we do God's work together. There is a unity that you can't build up through more mundane events.

With that, I end this report. Hopefully some of you out there will agree with some of the things I have said. Take care people! And remember to keep preparing for camp!


Monday, November 24, 2008


This is it folks! Registration has closed! (Unless you're from 5612, Bowen BB, invited friends or the general public, registration closes on 30th for you) The time of registration is passing and now is the time to get ready for camp!

Yes, now! Start preparing your heart now. Work up your expectations and get ready to meet God though this camp. Remember, this camp is about living! To be alive and that means connecting to Christ. For "to live is Christ" !!

So how are we going to help you prepare? Exclusive on this blog and our youtube group, you'll get to see interviews of our camp comm members! Also, we'll prepare articles to get you pumped for camp. Details about camp will be uploaded here, like the things-to-being list. Also if you gave us your emails then look forward to hearing from us soon!

There is no better time to start living than now. Leave us a tag if you want to see or read anything! Or if there is any contents that you want! And spread the word too. Tell your friends, relatives, cell mates, etc. to come and check out this space. Updates will hit here every few days.

O live!

-Fact camp comm-

Thursday, November 20, 2008

From the Commandant!

hi there everyone -waves hand-!

hope you've all been well :)
as many of 'you' would have known, last sunday a group of 'you' committed your afternoon on a mission to help reach out to the youths living within our church neighbourhood. Yes! by giving out those nice flyers (designed by one of 'you'). i would like to thank everyone of 'you' for your time and belief that evangelism is important. i personally believe that we'll be seeing some of them in this camp! maybe 'you' are the one i'm talking about:) (yes 'you', reading this on your PC). We look forward in seeing you this december!!!

This sat 22nov @ 1945hrs in church, we'll continue onto the second half of our neighbourhood (BLK --- to BLK ---). YEAH!
i am hereby inviting all of 'you' once again to participate with your cell groups (if you had not already joined us last sunday) and knowing that each and everyone of 'you' makes a difference.

This is what 'you' can do:
'you' can join us this sat
'you' can pray for us and the homes that we'll be blessing
'you' can do your part by inviting your beloved friends for the camp too
remember that 'you' can only do all things through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour

i'll see 'you' this sat and have a blessed week ahead!

Loving all of you reading this,
Camp Commandant
James Teh

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Act 1:8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

We are called by God to be witnesses of His grace and glory manifest in Jesus Christ. Sometimes it is in the big ways like holding rallies and going on mission to remote places. Other times it is about the small little things we do, the things that touch or affects the course of another person's eternal destiny.

And that is where all of us come in. We are strongly encouraging you to bring your friends to FACT camp 2008~! (BYF) Let them come and experience the life changing power of God and the freedom it brings. Give them a chance to find the gift of eternal life!

You don't need to know the theologies of Christianity inside out. All you need is a simple faith and an undying passion to see your friends get saved. Its not just about choosing a religion when they fill in application forms, its about their name being in the Book of Life.

The time is now. Invite your friends!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Heartbeat of Christ is the Pulse of the Church!

Here's a shout out to all you young people out there in the world wide web!

As you already know, we are beginning to ramp up preparation for the FACT camp at St. Francis Methodist School this year. The camp committee has already met several times and the preparation is well on its way.

Even as we are days away from the opening of registration, let me share with you a little about this year's publicity theme.

The Heartbeat of Christ is the Pulse of the Church.
We are called to grow to become like Christ. A healthy church should echo the things that Christ was concerned about and how he lived his life. We are the reflections of Christ to a world and a generation that needs it so much

This concept of connection is in relation to our theme for this year's FACT camp. This year we want to focus on getting connected to Christ and staying connected! We want to, not just get you connected to God during the camp, we want to equip you to maintain that connection.

We will reveal the camp theme in greater detail in the near future. So keep an eye out on this space and during service for future announcements and publicity.
We wish you a God blessed week and do remember that camp registration opens this sunday and all who register on sunday the 4th of november are eligible for the early bird fee of twenty dollars.

-FACT CAMP 2008-

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hello all you young people!
Its that time of the year again! FACT camp 2008! This year we are holding our 5th FACT camp at the very place that we held our first. That's right, this year's camp will be at St. Francis Methodist School, from the 11th to the 14th of december.

Its going to be a great time to get to know people and to let your hair down and have some fun. Also, and perhaps most importantly, the camp will be about experiencing the Living God. This year is about getting connected to Christ and staying connected. And believe me when I say, God wants to meet and connect with you.

So come for the camp! Registration for the camp begins on the 2nd of november.

And keep an eye on this space as we bring you more details and updates. Feel free to leave us an email or tag if there's anything you would like to have on this blog! And we appreciate your understanding as this blog is still very much under construction. Thank you and we hope to see you at camp!!